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  14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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   1 vnfZVTRPNLJHFDB@B@>@>@>?>>><;:988888887887642100..-,,,+*+*+***))*))*)**(()())()('(()(()))(((()((('('(''&&%&%&%" ! 
   1 tkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1 sapiens is YOU!                                                                            
   1 hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1 evolution 
   1 Zamites was a plant that had    some palm and some pine features                                 d
   1 WqsAysheia had lots of jointed     bristly legs.                                                    @
   1 Without insects it     could not reproduce
   1 Whale is the largest mammal in  the world today, yet lives on   tiny creatures called krill.     8
   1 WHAT EVERY AVIARY NEEDSForget the budgie      Keep a Pteranodon!                            
   1 Volvox is a plant that joins up with others of its kind to form hollow round colonies.           @0
   1 Tyrannosaurus
   1 Trilobite looked superficially  like a big sea wood-louse. It   had very good eyesight.          @
   1 Triceratops had three horns     which it used for defence. It   grew to be 5 metres long.        6(
   1 Triceratops completely displaced it
   1 Thrinaxodon had small whisker   pits on the side of its snout.                                   ) 
   1 There were no insects  to eat
   1 There was nowhere to   shelter from the cold
   1 The upper atmosphere ison fire-it's hotter
   1 The time period before 570M yrs ago is called the Pre-cambrian. We have only a skimpy knowledge of the Pre-cambrian, but....    The biggest hurdles in evolutionwere being jumped at this time. Complex chemicals were being    formed and encased in membranes.When these chemicals could      reproduce themselves we had lifeThe first creatures did not     breathe oxygen - there was none.But in time creatures capable oftrapping sunlight evolved.      This process 'photosynthesis'   produces oxygen as a by-product.Oxygen entered the atmosphere - and animals could evolve.       The oxygen itself gave rise to alayer of ozone in the atmosphereThis shielded the earth from themore harmful solar radiation.   the early organisms were simple - like bacteria.                'Eukaryotes' with a definite    cell-nucleus arose 1200M yrs agoEukaryotes probably arose by oneorganism ingesting another.     Some organisms began to 'swap'  genes with others like them.    The resulting organisms were    different from both parents.  
   1 The smaller quicker codreplaced it
   1 The smaller millipedes were more adaptable
   1 The small animals it   hunted are extinct
   1 The plants it lived on have disappeared
   1 The modern deer        replaced it
   1 The later whales were  better at diving
   1 The later hawks        displaced it
   1 The later fish were    better protected
   1 The krill & diatoms it eats no longer exist
   1 The ice-cap melted and the floods came
   1 The heat left no escape
   1 The heat got too much  for it
   1 The heat changed its   habitat to desert
   1 The forest caught fire
   1 The fish it lived on   disappeared
   1 The fish it fed on     developed armour
   1 The dinosaurs it ate   had dwindled
   1 The deer it depended onno longer exist
   1 Tarsier has huge eyes and       excellent hearing. It hunts     insects at night.                &
   1 Stegosaurus had plates on its   back. Blood flowing through     these would warm it up.          -
   1 Starfish have five arms, each   with many tiny suckers.                                          @1
   1 Spriggina was a primitive worm  that had segments like an       earthworm.                       H8
   1 Sponge is the simplest multi-   celled animal. Each cell is the same as every other cell.        K(
   1 Spinosaurus ate other dinosaurs.It lived near a desert and had alarge sail to keep cool.         6'
   1 Spider spins webs.                                                                               <(FD)
   1 Soup is a mixture of steam, carbon dioxide ,methane &ammonia.                         
   1 Snail is a mollusc that moved   onto the land.                                                   x8
   1 Smilodon is more commonly known as the 'sabre-tooth' tiger.                                      - 345
   1 Silverfish is a living insect.  The first insects are thought tohave been very much like it.     :'
   1 Sheep provides wool.                                                                             (#kvF
   1 Shark is a fish that is heavier than water and has to swim or   sink!                            (
   1 Seymouria is an amphibian but   was once thought to be a reptile                                 6&
   1 Sea-squirt is a creature whose  larva has a rudimentary backbone                                 F
   1 Scelidosaurus had a heavily-    armoured body, and walked on    four stout legs.                 6'
   1 Saurolophus was a 'duck-billed' dinosaur. It had a crest on its head.                            6&
   1 Rhynia grew to about 20cm high. It had no noticeable leaves.                                     8
   1 Rex - the largest ever carnivore - weighing over  10 tonnes.                       <)
   1 Ramapithecus had a flat face.   It foraged for food on the      ground.                          &
   1 Purgatorius  was probably like  a modern tree-shrew although    only its teeth have been found.  *
   1 Ptychocarpus was a fern that    looked very much like those thatexist today.                     8 
   1 Pterygotus was a eurypterid - a marine scorpion that grew to 3  metres long.                     @
   1 Pteranodon is the largest ever  flying creature. It had a beak  but no teeth and very tiny legs. 6'YZ/
   1 Pteranodon drove it out
   1 Proechinoid is an animal that   has not yet been found but must have existed at one time.        .
   1 Primordial
   1 Press desired number   (or "0" to do nothing)
   1 Polyps build reefs.They   use algae in their bodies to getcarbon to build their skeletons. Y
   1 Podopteryx has a membrane       between its limbs and its body, so it could glide.               6'
   1 Parvigyps was a bird of prey. Itprobably had a mode of life likea vulture.                       (
   1 Paleomeryx inhabited marshy     forests. Its hooves were wide tostop it sinking.                 !
   1 Palaeophonus was a scorpion and is the first terrestrial animal we know about.                   A
   1 Osteolepis was a fish that had  fewer bones on its fleshy fins.                                  @({z[
   1 Orthoceras had a straight shell with many air filled chambers   in it so it could float.         F
   1 Oreopithecus lived in a marshy  environment. It was the size of a chimpanzee.                    <
   1 Oligopithecus was a tree dwellerIt had teeth adapted for chewingrather than gnawing.             &
   1 Octopus is the cleverest animal without a spine. It is a molluscthat has lost its shell.         8&
   1 No insects are left to eat
   1 Neopilina is a shelled worm     which developed a shell to hide in when in danger.               F'
   1 Necrolemur had eyes at the frontof its head. Its nose was       reduced in size.                 &
   1 Nautilus has a spiral shell.    Despite its shape it is an      active swimmer.                  F
   1 NEED A NEW TOOTHBRUSH? If you had 15cm teeth  like Tyrannosaurus you almost certainly would.
   1 Monoclonius had a single horn onits snout. It ate plants and    roamed in herds.                 0&
   1 Moeritherium had incisors       enlarged into peg-like tusks anda large mobile upper lip.         
   1 Millipede has a lot of legs.... lot of legs .... lot of legs.                                    U2
   1 Miacis was a mammal that looked a bit like the modern weasel.                                    (
   1 Meyeria is an early type of     lobster.                                                         -&
   1 Metamynodon was an extremely    primitive rhinoceros that lived on aquatic plants.               P
   1 Melanosaurus had a long body    with a long neck and tail.                                       -'ikM
   1 Megazostrodon was an egg laying,insect eating animal that lookedlike a shrew.                    6(
   1 Meganeura was a dragonfly that  had a wingspan of 60cm.                                          P-
   1 Megalosaurus was a carnosaur - ameat eater. It had serrated     edges on its teeth.              6')*1
   1 Megalosaurus ate its   food supply
   1 Mammoth had enormous tusks and  grew to be 5 metres tall.                                         
   1 Magnolia is a primitive flower. Its petals are arranged in      spirals like a pine cone.        )
   1 Lycaenops was a small reptile   that had developed long legs.                                    0$
   1 Limulus is commonly known as thehorseshoe crab.                                                  P
   1 Lepidodendron was a giant "scaletree". (Its leaves were so densethey looked like reptile scales) 8
   1 Lepidodendron absorbed its sunlight
   1 Leedsia was a fish that grew to a length of 10 metres. Its      backbone is solid.               @,
   1 Later rhinoceri were   larger & displaced it
   1 Lancelet has a defined notocord (soft backbone). It can flex    this and swim like a fish.       F
   1 Jellyfish is a multi-celled     animal where individual cells   can do specialised functions.    P
   1 Its fish diet had died
   1 It was no match for thereptiles
   1 It was forced out by   the bigger dinosaurs
   1 It needed insects to   feed on
   1 It needed algae to helpbuild its skeleton
   1 It had no herbivorous  dinosaurs to hunt
   1 It had no fruit or     insects
   1 It fed on other        amphibians
   1 It could not match the true birds
   1 It could not compete   with the new sharks
   1 It could not compete   with the cycads
   1 It could not compete   with Megazostrodon
   1 It could not compete   with Dicynodon    
   1 Iguanodon grew to 10 metres in  length. It was a plant eater andlived in herds.                  0&
   1 Icthyostega was the first       amphibian. It still had to lay  eggs in the water of the swamp.  <(F
   1 Icthyornis was a bird which     resembled the modern terns; it  fed on small fishes.             <
   1 Hyracotherium is also known as  Eohippus the 'dawn-horse'. Its  toes had been reduced to three.  (
   1 Hylonomus is the first true     reptile.It laid a shelled  egg  on land so water was not needed. 6&
   1 Huge solar flares are  warming up the earth
   1 Horse has hooves (all the toes  are fused), so it can pick its  feet up quickly.                 2&435
   1 Hipparion inhabited broad grass lands, roaming in herds. It had long legs and could run well.    (
   1 Hawk has incredibly good eye-   sight.                                                           6%
   1 Hallucigenia had 14 legs and 7  mouths. Need I say more!                                         F
   1 Grass is a flowering plant that grows from its base, so eating  its leaves will not kill it.     <
   1 Gingko is also known as the     maiden-hair tree.It has remainedunchanged for 200 million years. @ 
   1 Flatworm breathes directly      through its skin. They may have rudimentary eyes.                ^<
   1 Fabrosaurus was a large plant   eater with muscular rear legs.                                   6'
   1 Eusthenopteron could gulp air   to spend some time out of water.                                 ,
   1 Eustenopteron graduallytook over from it
   1 Equisetum is better known as thehorsetail fern. It has leaves inwhorls around a fat central stem H8
   1 Eogyrinus was a predator on     smaller amphibians. It grew to  5 metres long.                   - kl@
   1 Elephant never forgets. Its     cheek teeth are superbly adaptedfor grazing.                     - l
   1 Elasmotherium was a large       rhinoceros with a horn up to    2 metres long.                   A(~z=
   1 Edaphosaurus had a 'sail' on itsback. This helped it control itstemperature.                     -$zV=
   1 Dust obscures the sun -the temperature drops
   1 Dunkleostus was a fish with a   heavily armoured 3 metre head   and was an active predator.      @+
   1 Dunkleostus hunted it
   1 Dog is the first animal known tohave been domesticated by man.                                   ( lm7
   1 Do you want the easy game? Y/N
   1 Diplovertebron had five distincttoes on each foot and a skull   like a crocodile.                8(
   1 Diplodocus grew to 26 metres.   It probably lived close to or inswamps.                          -&klK
   1 Dinictis resembled a small      leopard, although it probably   ate plants as well as meat.      &
   1 Dicynodon was a plant eater. It had teeth and a jaw adapted for chewing.                         , V_=
   1 Diatryma was one of the 'Terror cranes'. It could not fly and   stood 2 metres high.             (
   1 Diatom is a microscopic single- celled plant that forms a major part of plankton.                p
   1 Diacodex had lost the innermost toe on each foot. It was        omniverous.                      #
   1 Deer sprouts antlers, eats grassand lives in herds.                                               
   1 Dasyceps is the ancestor of the modern frog.                                                     &
   1 DO YOU KNOW THIS FACE? Triceratops is wanted  for littering - leavingbones in Montana.      
   1 Cycad looks like a palm tree buthas seeds in what look like pinecones.                           8
   1 Cyanophyte has chlorophyll and  can trap sunlight to get energy.It produces oxygen by this       p
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Cow is a ruminant i.e. it       regurgitates its food for       further chewing.                  
   1 Cordaites produced pollen that  fertilises the seeds while they are still on the tree.           6 
   1 Cooksonia is the first known    land plant. It had spores ratherthan seeds (like ferns today).   P
   1 Coleophysis was a small reptile with well developed hind legs   ideal for running.               6%
   1 Coelocanth is a fish that was   long thought to be extinct but  was rediscovered 50 years ago.   K
   1 Cod is typical of the type of   fish alive today.                                                <
   1 Cladoselache was a fish that hadcartilage instead of bone to    make it more elastic.            @7
   1 Cladoselache ate it
   1 Cladophorella is an alga that   grows in filaments, looking likea plant stem.                    @'
   1 Cheirolepis was a fish that had ray-shaped fins and a proper    jaw.                             8
   1 Caytonia was a type of conifer  that reached its peak in the    Jurassic period.                 .
   1 Cat purrs a lot.                                                                                 &
   1 Calamites grew to over 10 metresIt had a single stem with leavescoming directly off it.          >(
   1 C   Press any key to play again    Press any key for next screen       Press any key to start     Moves are-Quit? yes/noxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1 Brontotherium was a large beast with a tiny brain. It lived in  wet grasslands.                  (
   1 Brontosaurus was the heaviest ofthe dinosaurs.It needed a second'brain' to control its back legs -'ikM
   1 Basilosaurus was a mammal that  returned to the sea.                                             (
   1 Baiera has broad fan shaped     leaves arranged in open crowns.                                  1
   1 Asteroxylon had obvious leaves  and branched evenly although it only grew to about 10cm.         >(
   1 Asplenium is more commonly knownas the Bird's Nest fern and is  often grown indoors.             g
   1 Arthropleura can be described   as a 2 metre long armoured worm.                                 X<
   1 Archaeopteryx was the first birdIts skeleton looked almost the  same as its reptile ancestors.   6'
   1 Araucaria is a primitive pine.  We know it better as the monkey puzzle tree.                     8&
   1 Ankylosaurus was built like a   tank, and could simply lie flat to be protected.                 -'hiK
   1 Anatolepis is the first fish we know of. It had no jaw, like themodern lamprey.                  @(
   1 Anaerobe does not need oxygen tosurvive but can get energy from other simple chemicals.          
   1 An earthquake caused   vast devastation
   1 Amoeba is a single celled animalthat has a proper nucleus and   can swap genes.                  d
   1 Ammonites had tightly coiled    air-filled shells so they could swim despite their size.         F
   1 Alga has a separate cell- nucleus. You might see these as a "scum" on ponds etc.           p
   1 Alepidophora is a primitive typeof bee.                                                          P
   1 Aerobe - by aerobe we should    really say aerobic bacterium. Itneeds oxygen to live.            d
   1 A massive eruption has destroyed its habitat
   1 A heatwave lasted too  long for it to survive
   1 A comet affects earth'sorbit,making it colder
   1 ;A meteorite struck the earth
   1 8likes itself the way itis and won't evolve
   1 8is having it easy and  doesn't want to evolve
   1 8has no more descendantsat the moment
   1 8can't evolve further   under these conditions
   1 8but you ran out of timeso clearly don't exist
   1 8but then you quitted
   1 8and you reached man-butdid you get his pets?
   1 8and you ran out of     space.
   1 8and you killed off all life as we know it!
   1 8The winds shifted & no rain fell
   1 8It is now lost in the  mists of time. . .
   1 8Are you surprised?
   1 8                                             
   1 75600704506530060250552005017545150401253510030 8025 6020 4015 2010  0 5
   1 4BHKAPhenacodus lived in groups in   wooded areas. It was about the  size of a pig.                   - l
   1 3A star went supernova  close to Earth
   1 0:succ. 1:dtls. 2:score3:quit 4:dstr
   1 )It had got used to a   warmer climate
   1 (There are no insects topollinate it
   1 (Oreopithecus completelyreplaced it
   1 (No small amphibians areleft to eat
   1 (Later herd animals werebetter adapted
   1 (Its armour could not   defend it well enough
   1 (It had nothing left to eat
   1 (It got sluggish in the cold
   1 (It could'nt adapt to   the lower temperature
   1 "evolution"
   1 !&(,YEuparkeria had strong hind legs and a long tail, indicating     that it walked on two legs.      6'
   1  Without Cyanophytes it had no oxygen
   1  There were no shrubs toeat
   1  The more efficient     conifers replaced it
   1  The cycads it lived on have disappeared
   1  The conifers and shrubsitate have declined
   1  The carnosaurs filled  its niche
   1  The bigger dinosaurs   competed with it
   1  The big ferns had gone and it could not adapt
   1  TODAY'S RECIPE - COAL Take a Lepidodendron.  Place in a warm swamp. Wait 300 million years.     Imagine the earth some 3000million years ago. It is hot andairless: and yet from the simplegases in the atmosphere, life isabout to spring. The world waitsfor EVOLUTION.                       Your task is to retrace thecourse of that evolution & reachman. It was not a simple course-there were many dead-ends. Therewere also times when it appearedthat nothing was happening untilsuddenly,startling changes wouldcome from unexpected sources.                                        This game is as accurate aspossible.  EVOLUTION was a greatadventure.The plants and animalsdescribed had,or have,a place inthat adventure.                |     During  the game a list  ofall the creatures  that exist atthe  time is shown in the centreof screen.There is a cursor thatcan be moved by the 5,6,7,8 keys     Only the first 3 letters ofeach creature are shown.For moredetails you should  position thecursor at the organism you want,an
   1  Rhynia was too         successful
   1  Nothing under cursor
   1  More advanced reptiles competed with it & won
   1  Its niche was filled bythe newer plants
   1  Its ancestors had      better herd-instincts
   1  It was a herbivore and there was no grass
   1  It was a grazing animalwith no grazing
   1  It declined when the   later primates arrived
   1  Competition from early primates was too strong
   1   HEATING PROBLEMS?    Why not grow plates on your back?             Stegosaurus did!       
   1     In the normal game,organismsare affected by temperature & byother organisms. When you ask tosee successors, only those whichcould survive in the world as itstands will be shown.               For example, to evolve  cowsyou need  grass for them to eat.Grass in turn needs  insects forpollination ..etc..There is alsocompetition between creatures.Ifyou go too far, too early, alongone branch, other branches mightnot get started.                    There is an easy  version ofthe game where temperature, foodrequirements and competition arenot considered - so nothing everdies & you must reach man beforethe centre of the screen is full|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1     GARDEN PESTS?      Fly spray is not much  use against an 80 ton  Brontosaurus.          
   1                                   --existing--organisms--appeared  yrs.ago,     and still exists today.and lasted  yrs.       is extinctdiesYou have scored Your score was   could evolve into:-  TIME        EVOLUTION       TEMPM.Yrs                        